Family, Friends, Folk and Followers,
Since November of 2013 I have been working with the Gwakiongo PLWA (People Living With Aids) group. It is self organized and self motivated group made up of about 20 IDP (Internally Displaced People) households (83 people) who are either living with Aids or have been affected in one way or another.
For the past few years members have been assisting each other by lending their scarce and unstable incomes to each other through a “Merry-Go-Round” system to help pay for food, school fees and health care. I got i
nvolved last year when the group vocalized its desire to stop relying on small hand outs and create a project that will help them both financially and nutritionally. We have been organizing and outlining an IGA (Income Generating Activity) since Feb 2014 of chicken rearing that will produce income from the selling of eggs and while also providing a strong protein source.
Due to recent unforeseen circumstances our promised donor has pulled out of the project leaving us a little befuddled but not entirely hopeless.
We are reaching out to you to help reach our goal of $1,202. If you have any extra coin this month and would like to donate to a project that you can monitor and watch change the people’s lives you gave it to, then please donate.
All donors will receive a detailed project outline and budget as well as project updates and photos.
Please follow the link below to donate at PayPal using the email address:
Please also feel to use that email for any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your support.