Thursday, November 15, 2012

Well the thing about that is.....

People in Kenya are curious and want to know what it is like in America. They really have very few references to paint a picture for themselves. Most of the TV shows are Mexican and Phillipino soap opera imports (my fave is Eva Luna). Some only know the US by it's reputation as the land of self made men, where everyone is welcome, and Disneyland. 
Those of us who have left college in the last 8 years, own a home and have/had a career know that those realities are a little faded now. That previous reputation is one of my bigger obstacles. It is incredibly hard to try and explain the not so lustrous climate in America right now to a Kenyan. 

USA: Student Loans interest rates are really high.
Kenya: Pay for education in full each term and therefore get bachelors degrees when they are 35+.

USA: We have gang violence. 
Kenya: Have tribal violence that base from fissures during or before colonialism and are usually very deep and personal. 

USA: Our politicians don't get along.
Kenya: Currently there are about 14-16 presidential candidates and each election year people loose their homes, livestock and family members over election results. 

USA: The mortgage rate on a three bedroom home is really high so some have to rent. 
Kenya: Own two room homes made from mud with the kitchen being outside (inside the living room if it is raining) and no one sleeps in their own bed.

USA: There are no jobs for University Graduates.
Kenya: There are no jobs for high school graduates and going to University is an option if you can get almost every extended family member to contribute a large sum to your education. 

USA: Gas prices are really high.
Kenya: People walk 10km to the nearest health facility so they can get health care for their child because they have no car. 

USA: Obesity is a national problem.
Kenya: Malnutrition is a national problem. 

I'm not trying to diminish the actual severity of problems in the US, because I have experienced them and people close to me have also. Problems are still problems. I'm glad to be here and see first hand that no matter how bad things are they can always get worse. Even with all of the obstacles here, Kenyans are some of the happiest people I have ever met and each day I try and take another page from their book. 

On the heels of the elections Kenyans are extremely proud to have Obama in the White House again. So am I. Even if our reality in America doesn't really reflect our reputation I am no dream crusher and continue to keep that dream alive here.  

"People die with all their life's dreams only in their hearts" - Julia Wanjiro 


  1. "USA: Our politicians don't get along.
    Kenya: Currently there are about 14-16 presidential candidates and each election year people loose their homes, livestock and family members over election results."

    Yet, people here act like they are going to lose their homes, livestock and family members over election results.

  2. thanks for not being a dream crusher
