Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Mom Could Beat Up Your Mom

Dear Mom,
Thanks for keeping me warm in your uterus for the majority of 1986 and a bit of '85. 
Thanks for slinging me by my knees whenever we would go camping cause I couldn't quite master the art of peeing outside.
Thanks for taking us out of Polish school. That place was the worst.
Thanks for letting me draw on my walls in Middle Schol. It looked awful but I thought I was so cool. And you let me think it. 
Thanks for all the groceries during college.
Thanks for letting me be hysterical sometimes.
Thanks for giving me a weird name. Conversation starter for life.

For all the little and big things you have done for me in my life. Thanks. They haven't gone unnoticed and there is a bit of you in ever decision I make.

Love you for always and ever,

Thanksgiving in NY

When we went 'hiking'. We need more pics of the two of us together.

B&B. Beverage and Baby.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Day O' Birth

Happy Birthday to Meagan Panici. One of my oldest and dearest friends. Thanks for always explaining technology to me and making sure there was food in the house when I was to lazy to shop. 

19/20 and about to hit Chicago for our first night ever in our brand new apartment! We were babies!

A couple years older but still positioning ourselves the same. Mea on the left, me on the right.