Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Fun in the Sun

My cheap Polish skin wins again. One blissful day in the Indian Ocean subsequently leads to 3 days of misery where I have to be incredibly careful turning corners and squeezing between a group of people and the wall. And before you ask, Yes, I did wear sunscreen. Mother nature is just a spicy lady here in Africa. She will strand you with her mud , almost kill you with her mosquitoes and fry your skin like a twinkie at a state fair. For the next few days I will be rocking a lot of flowy layers like your favorite grandma and a constant thick layer of SPF 50. 

1 comment:

  1. HEY HEY I don't see any cheap Polish skin what i see it is beautiful and priceless .Have a great time We LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH AND MISS YOU MORE!!!! MAMA iTATA .Szczesliwego nowego roku IWONKA.
