Monday, August 13, 2012

Habari Yenu

Hello Internet and fellow internet friends. If you want to listen, I would like to tell you about my adventures. Nothing to fancy or flashy. Just some stories about a girl living in Kenya, working with the Ministry of Public Health and struggling to communicate in a language that is just a series of abrasive commands. I'll talk about all few successes, my many failures and about the numerous GI infections that I will inevitably contract in between. 

Here's what I love about Kenya so far...
1. The handshakes
2. Healthy food is cheap, and junk food is expensive.
3. Kenyans have the most beautiful and white smiles.
4. The exchange rate. 
5. The hats little kids wear.
6. The weather
7. Seeing baboons cross the road.
8. Kenyan time. 
9. Kenyans LOVE Obama more then any American I have ever met.
10. Hakuna Matata is used in general conversation.

Here's what I will hopefully learn to love, or eventually not care about anymore...
1. The word Mazungu (Ma-zoon-gu). Its what Kenyans call white people. It's not used in a nice way, but used frequently. 
2. The many additional grey hairs that have shown up on my head since arriving.
3. The blandness of the Kenyan food.
4. Not being able to wash my hands when I want to.
5. Wearing slips.
6. Matatus (Ma-ta-too) 11 seat vans used as public transportation that usually have at least 17 people crammed into them. 
7. Bargaining the price for everything that is not sold in a store.
8. The smell of burning garbage.
9. Calling "pants" "trousers" and saying "pleat" instead of "braid".
10. Never having a crisp, cold and refreshing glass of anything.


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