Thursday, October 25, 2012

Stronger Then A Cup Of Coffee

Just one of the first conversations I had this morning after waking up. I have omitted the names of the men involved in this conversation because BOTH OF THEM ARE MY SUPERIORS.

A: We shall retain you so you stay here.
M: Yes I shall retain you, I shall get cows and goats.
Iwona: I don't have a dowry and my home is in America.
A: No, you will go back but you will also stay here.
M: He shall act as my arbitrator.
A: Yes I am taken, but he has no wife.
Iwona: Nope.
A: No, no, no, no you shall see, you will become one of us.
Iwona: I would not make a very good Kenyan wife.
M: Why?
Iwona: Because I don't like to cook, I don't like to clean and I'm not entirely sure I want to have children.
A: (Jaw hits the floor)
M: (Jaw hits the floor)
Iwona: Yes, I would not be a good Kenyan Wife.
A: You two shall make a second Obama.
Iwona: I'm not sure I want to have any children.
A: You sister has a child. You shall also have a child.
Iwona: Just because my sister did something doesn't mean I have to do it. I want to focus on work.
A: Yes here in Kenya if you focus on work and have a good job you can have many children and many wives.
Iwona: Yeah that is another reason I can't be a Kenyan wife. I'm not okay with Polygamy.
A: Why?
Iwona: I don't like to share.
A: (Laughs like I am a silly girl)


  1. Funny how American politicians have pretty much the same world view as your Kenyan superiors.

  2. For some reason I thought you had stopped blogging. I have so much reading to catch up on now...

  3. LOL This made my day.
    Miss you doll. Stay away from them Kenya Husbands. Im sure just holding hands will give you twins


    1. Stop hiding behind "Anonymous" and get a gmail account like an American adult already.
      Miss you, Thanks and you are welcome.
